What Changes Should I Make Now That Step 1 Is Pass/Fail?
How To Prep For Step 1…
Now That It’s Pass/Fail 👇
We get this question all the time: “What’s changed or what can I do differently to prepare for the pass/fail USMLE Step 1 exam?”
The answer is simple & straightforward…
Your actual prep should remain unchanged…
The exam format, content, and difficulty have actually gotten slightly more difficult with the passing score cutoff increases… But there’s absolutely no need to change the way you prep!
NBME exams, on the other hand, have changed…
NBME feedback is now delivered with 2 important metrics: “Overall percent correct” and “Odds of passing if taken within 1 week”.
While the NBME hasn’t released data on this yet (as of the writing of this post)…
We do have plenty of in-house data and here’s what it tells us:
#1. Students scoring an ‘overall’ percentage of at least 70% are typically ready for the exam.
#2. Students with at least a 95% chance of passing if taken within 1 week are overwhelmingly passing (only 1 person in our system failed after achieving this metric, but was the result of walking out halfway through due to a panic attack)
#3. Students with a history of failure should aim for around 75% overall correct; this allows for some wiggle-room for exam-day anxieties
As a whole, keep in mind that your prep should remain the same AND you should go into your prep with the mindset of attaining a 3-digit result (ie. Go hard and aim for the sky).
I hope this helps and answers the question if it’s been on your mind lately.
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