A 4-Step Framework For USMLE Step 1 Exam Preparation.

Struggling with your USMLE Step 1 exam prep?
Here’s the EXACT way you can get things back on track 🤩
Let’s use the “BIG 4” strategy…
Clarity + Focus + Leverage + Systems 👇
💡 CLARITY: Crystal clear goals & a detailed plan are a must for achieving success.
➡️ Action step: Come up with your exam goals & create a day-by-day plan to help you achieve it. Get as detailed as you can; the more detail, the easier it will be to stay on track. Once you’ve got a clearly defined goal and a clear plan of action, getting there becomes a lot easier.
🔍 FOCUS: Create an environment conducive for deep work and focus.
➡️ Action step: Recognize what distracts you & remove it… Recognize what helps you get laser-focused & make that a non-negotiable part of your studies. Distractions are the thief of focus.
🔨 LEVERAGE: Figure out your points of leverage and build them into your daily study routine.
➡️ Action step: Ask yourself which study methods get you outsized returns for your efforts – once identified, double-down on them. Ask yourself what you’re doing that doesn’t seem to be helping – then eliminate it.
If you’re doing nothing but questions because you’ve been told that’s the key to USMLE exam success, but you’re not retaining everything, consider adjusting your approach until you find what works for your specific needs.
🧰 SYSTEMS: Build systems that help you get faster, more efficient results.
➡️ Action step: Identify what works best for each part of your exam prep and build repeatable ‘systems’ that you can fall back to every time you perform that task.
For example, develop a systematized way of doing questions, a systematized way of performing your daily review, and a systematized way of tackling the memorization of facts/details.
When you’ve got effective systems in place, it allows you to stay productive – even on days when you’re not highly motivated to study. .
If you want MORE USMLE Step 1 tips & tricks to help you get USMLE exam-ready faster, more efficiently, and will less stress & pain, download our free Medical Student Survival Guide HERE.