How To Match Into Your Dream Specialty As An IMG
The common IMG limiting belief…
That’s hurting your career path ⬇️
Listen… I get it…
As an international medical student, you’ve been told your entire medical school career that your choices are limited.
You went to a Caribbean med school, so you’re limited to primary care.
You went to medical school in Europe, so you’ll take what you can get here in the U.S.
The truth is… These are limiting beliefs that someone else is putting on you.
How do I know this?
Just look at the yearly NRMP data at
Every single year, thousands of IMGs get into competitive specialties.
Sure… The number of IMGs getting into plastic surgery and dermatology aren’t enormous – but they’re doing it.
Heck… Surgery, one of the more competitive specialties of all time is loaded with IMGs every single year.
What does this mean for you as an IMG?
It means that you shouldn’t let the limiting beliefs of other people stop you from pursuing your dreams.
But here’s the thing…
You do have to know how to set yourself apart from the crowd so you can actually make yourself competitive.
How? It’s actually quite simple…
Do your research!
Go to and to start…. Find out what those who were successful in your desired specialty accomplished and brought to the table.
Then… Go above & beyond those numbers.
You should also network with people in your desired field and find out what programs are hoping to see in an ideal candidate.
As long as you’re an exceptional candidate, most programs will overlook where you went to school (aside from a few of the biggest & top programs).
So, figure it out early… Figure out what you can do to make yourself an exceptional candidate and start building your resume today.
Anything’s possible… You’ve just got to know how to get there and be willing to put in the time & energy.
You’ve got this! Good luck.
If you want even more details about how to position yourself as the perfect & ideal candidate for your dream residency position, grab a free copy of our Medical Student Survival Guide at
See you next time!
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